Family and friends, there have been wonderful memories made and there are still many more to come.

These past nine years of travel have opened up a world of friendships. Thank you to those of you who support and step in as family when members of the Pendleton Posse are away from theirs! In the days of “busy” I must say I look forward to the holidays. It is a social time when the country must accept a family moment.

To go with the festivities of the season a good recipe is always appropriate. Our great friends from the Texas Stampede Chuckwagon crew (Eric Williams, Ricky Hicks, Mark Armstrong, Robert Rutter, and Marty Farchiseur) provided us with one of the secrets to their award winning cobbler:  adding 1 cup of Pendleton® Whisky per 1 gallon of peaches.  Remember, at times chuck wagon cooks are required to provide food for a minimum of 50 people.  In this old fashioned culinary competition, participants are restricted to minimal items and all food must be cooked over open fire (makes me thankful for the kitchen).  The food that is prepared is outstanding!

In a time of economic influence and uncertainty, there is one guaranteed return on investment: family and friends. Their value is without measure.  Don’t miss the opportunity to find the beauty in every opportunity and have an amazing Thanksgiving!

~ Mindy